

last 2 weeks.

 I met up with friends at Nick Ryan's. a newer restaurant here in Lexington, that is amazing! if you go, get the filet. the marinade is amazing {better than Malones!}.

my roommate (now old roomie!) got married and went to Spain!! 

I went to a site review in Scottsdale, Arizona, beautiful! But I later got stuck in a Haboob later on. Yes, a haboob.  Google it.

was a date at a friends and old below. 

and danced. a lot!!! my date on the right. 

and that is about it.  My beautiful friend Alexandra is getting married this weekend and I am so excited to see her marry an amazing man! All these weddings has me thinking alot about things.....and universe and destiny, I have a little message for you. 

that is all. 


  1. WHY have I not heard about this restaurant in Lexy? Also, I am trying to put together a blogger day at Keeneland one day for the fall meet! Would you be innnterested?! I was thinking do a day at Keeneland and then go get dinner and go out that night get a hotel!? I think I am going to open it to more than just Lexington girls...I mean, us KY girls alllways ramble on and on and onnn about how great Kentucky would be fun for others to come up. Everyone could just come to whatever they can attend. eeeeek hahaha Let me know! That wedding looks like a blast and your date was getting down! Love it!

  2. Looks like a great time! Everytime you blog about Lexington I think I need to go there!


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