

Reflections. . .

Tomorrow, I leave for Las Vegas. But tonight, has been a night of reflections.  It's a pretty Kentucky summer night and I decided to pack with my window open, and in midst of listening to music...I got to thinking. . .

This past year, I've moved to a new company, joined new organizations, volunteered for new nonprofits, visited new and exciting places I've never been and really gotten a chance to explore.  Looking back on this last year, I am so happy with the way things have fallen into place.  I look at who and where I was at, at this point last year. And so much in my life and within me has changed, for the better. It's times like these I can't help but feel blessed, and lucky. There are still things I want to pursue and do, and change.  But I guess that's why they say dreams comes a couple sizes too big for us. 

Enough with the serious talk, guess who got me thinking all deep? this little sh**, love him! this is one of my favorite songs. ever!

Hope ya'll have a wonderful weekend. Just some random thoughts.  I also had a lovely SO WHAT Wednesday planned out, but blogger messed that up earlier. It wasn't working properly. Just wait for next week's GOOD!

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